Working with the Pacific Islands on climate change

The international climate negotiations this year have been presided over by a South Pacific nation for the first time - Fiji - with Germany hosting in Bonn. The focus of the negotiations has been to continue to develop the detailed rules needed to implement the historic Paris climate Agreement. They will aim to lay out a roadmap for a stocktake and review of the national commitments for climate action by all nations over the next couple of years. This is a critically important opportunity to encourage effective implementation of national commitments and the needed building of the ambition if we are to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Linh Do (left) with Pacific Climate Warriors, the Hon Al Gore, and prof Don Henry (right)Linh Do (left) with Pacific Climate Warriors, the Hon Al Gore, and prof Don Henry (right)

At this conference, Linh Do and Professor Don Henry from MSSI have worked with Pacific Islanders and the Hon. Al Gore’s trained climate leaders and branches to support these efforts. Climate science and policy translation and outreach is an essential part of these efforts and support for the climate leaders in Australia and the Pacific is now housed out of MSSI lead by Linh.

Al Gore joined Don and Linh to meet with members of the Pacific Warriors climate group from Fiji, Kiribati, and Tokelau. Don followed up with interviews for Pacific Island media. The recently appointed New Zealand Climate Minister is also trained climate leader and meet with Don, Linh and others to discuss climate policy and outreach. Don also meet with Dame Margaret Taylor, the Secretary General of the South Pacific Forum, along with Nolan Hunter the CEO of the Kimberley Land Council who attending to discuss Pacific and Indigenous Australian collaborations.

(left) Prof Don Henry with Pacific Island representives for media interviews; (right) Don Henry meets Dame Margaret Taylor and Nolan Hunter. (left) Prof Don Henry with Pacific Island representives for media interviews; (right) Don Henry meets Dame Margaret Taylor and Nolan Hunter.

The Paris Agreement recognises the role of ‘subnational entities’ - including cities and states. There was a strong presence of USA states and cities at the conference. They released a report detailing positive progress by states and cities in the USA to be on track to meet its Paris commitments with or without the Federal Government. Governor Brown is hosting a meeting of State and Provincial Governments from around the world in September 2018 to encourage stronger global climate change efforts from this influential level of government.

Linh also participated in events and meetings focusing on climate science and policy translation with experts and climate leaders from Indonesia, UK, Philippines, China, Brazil, the Pacific Islands, mainland Europe, USA and Canada.

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